Saturday 30 March 2013

Sparks and Recreation

We have a great roundup of links for you this week, things that generally sparked our interest or provided inspiration. Hope you'll enjoy visiting a couple of new blogs, and maybe learning something that helps you in your day to day!

This first link includes some car-maintenance-for-dummies like tips that can help one who isn't familiar with the inner workings of their automobile know where to start with some of the basics. 

If you have files or binders that are less than inspiring to work with, head over to The Pretty Blog for some free printables. She has binder labels that make tax time look like a breeze. 

The last couple of weeks we've had plans every evening. It's getting a little bit hectic. It's articles like this one that brings me back down to earth, this month we're hoping to save 2 evenings each week as free nights and tell people we have plans. We'll either have a date together, get a couple things done on our house, or have some much needed relaxation with a board game or Netflix. 

I've been really into the idea of a terrarium lately. I want to make 38 terrariums. That's an exaggeration, but you get the point. 

Philip and I have yet to try our hand at any actual building of things. Ana White provides some great free plans for building projects that make it seem somewhat doable.

Last but certainly not least, The Nest this week shared a list of 20 tools one should have handy. A great way to start your collection, put some of these on the birthday list this year.

What great reads did you find this week? Feel free to share them in the comments. Have a great Easter!

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