Thursday 21 March 2013

Sanity Will Return

You might remember a long time ago, as in before Christmas, when we finished our master bedroom and office. They were beautiful! You may also have noticed that I said were

Fast forward a few months, and our bedroom has been high jacked by bathroom staging, and our office is where paperwork goes to die. 

Well, since our bathroom is on hold for the moment (due to the insulation in the ceiling needing work, and Winnipeg weather not being ideal for removal of insulation for a few days at  the moment).  I'm retackling these beautiful rooms we created. There are still some decor features we want to add to each, for example I want to make a headboard extension for our bed, hang some hooks, artwork, etc. in the Master Bedroom, but first we have to tackle all this clutter. A lot of the bathroom stuff in our bedroom can't be dealt with until we have a bathroom to put it in, but I can get started on the office. Here's how it looks now (I just took pictures in a circle around the room, moving right for each one, so this is basically a 360 degree view of our office). Excuse the photos, we still need to get a high quality camera - as in higher quality than our iPhone 4's, we don't have a window covering and it was pretty bright, and it's just crazy messy in there.:

The view straight ahead from the door. Here you see the area to the left of our desk,
as well as one end of our desk.

Moving right, you can see the other half of the desk. 

Directly to the right, is the closet which houses our filing cabinet. 

Next up is a console table we inherited from the condo. 

On the other side of the door, is the first of three bookshelves. 

And finally the last two bookshelves. 

It isn't a huge space, but I think we've planned the storage pretty well. Now we just have to get it clutter-free and organized!

Office Sanity a few extras for aesthetic purposes that might happen down the line (run on sentence alert)

Yes we're list case you didn't know.

Create Mail Center/Cass' Area

- Hang White Board  We completed this on Monday night with the help of 4 velcro command strips as you can see in the photo with the console table! P.S. I did this almost all by myself, Philip was there offering guidance but I was in charge. Woot Woot, pink toolbelt here I come.
- Hang Art Gallery
- New Console Table
- Mail/Card Area
- Craft Supplies
- Receipt Inbox


- Set Up Printer
- New Office Chair
- Hang Art
- Storage Solution for Philip's Drama paperwork, temporary papers


- Stain Closet Rod & Shelf
- Organize Games
- Organize Filing Cabinet
- Create Warranties Binder
- Gift Wrapping Supplies
- Paint Closet Door


- Style Empty Shelves
- Go through books for potential garage sale


- Sand, Prime, Paint Door & Rehang
- Window Covering

Some more things might spring up as we go, but this is my initial goal list as far as bringing our once beautified office back to a beautiful state.

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